Mini Demolition Derby (v 1.99, April 2019)

Printable game rules.

Mini Demolition Derby

The Mini Demolition Derby is a game of pure chance: anyone can win since his very first match. Boys 6 to 14 years old especially like it. Better if led by a player with at least 3 or 4 matches experience.


At you'll find hints for the track and the other components (e.g. 1 and 5 cent coins for HPs, Lego for walls); pdf and instructions for a cardboard version of the game; pieces list for a Lego version.


Each player chooses a team of 5 cars of the same color. If there are less than 5 players some teams are left without a player. Any player may roll the die for them when it's their turn. With more then 5 players some boys can share a team. Place:

How to move a car.

The number of moves is equal to the rolled number: the first one to the left (1 or 2), straight (3 or 4) or to the right (5 or 6); all the remaining ones: straight.

With each move, sideways or straight, a car can:


In the first part of the race (about 45 minutes), the first 10 cars that cross the finish line qualify for the final.
The top left car rolls the die and moves first, then the one on the rigth and so on until the fifth car. Then we move on to the second row, always from the left, as when you're reading (lexicographic order). When all the 25 cars have been moved the second game turn begins, in the order the cars are now: the front and leftmost cars first. The order of play changes with every game turn, due to overtakings and eliminations, but during every game turn each car moves one and only one time.
For example after the first game turn the situation shown in the figure might occur: during the second game turm the cars move in the shown order.


Only the first 10 cars that cross the finish line get through to the final: the other ones are eliminated. sometimes less than 10 cars qualify, when there are many eliminations during the qualifications.
No HP is restored when the final begins, and walls and bombs are not moved: just keep the bombs and HPs left from the qualification round.
Qualified cars start from the red outlined positions (see figure). The first arrived ones have a certain head start over the others. Now it is important not only to save HPs, but also to be fast: the car that crosses the finish line first wins the game. Then go on for the second and third places.


1, 2, 3: straight. The bomb takes away 1 HP and is removed.

1: right. 2, 3, 4, 5: straight. The wall doesn't take HPs, but locks.

1: left. off track: 2 Hps lost and no move. 2: straight.

1, 2, 3: straight. 3 hits to green and yellow.

1: right. 1 hit to red, green, white and blues.
The red, too, loses 1 HP. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: straight.

1: left. 1 hit to the blue, that exits the track: it loses a total of 3 HPs. No one moves. 2: straight.

1: left. 1 hit to the yellow, that exits the track. Yellow eliminated: the red does move. 2: straight.

1: right. 1 hit to yellow and green: green eliminated, blues are safe. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: straight. 5 hits to the white.

1: right. Eliminated; remove all bombs.

1: left. Does not pass the finishing line. Next turn: 1 again. It takes a bomb. Next turn: 2. left: eliminated.

1, 2: straight. 2 hits to the blue, that qualifies with 5 HPs. 3, 4: qualified.

1: right. 1 hit to the yellow, that exits the track. 2, 3: straight. Qualified. Then the yellow rolls 6. 1: right, off track. 2, 3: straight, takes a bomb. Eliminated.

1: left. The red hits yellow and wall and does not move. 1 hit to yellow and green that do move.

1: right. 1 hit to yellows and white, that exits the track; 1 hit to the blue, taht does move. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: 5 hits to the green.

1: right. 1 hit to red, white and blue: blue eliminated. 2, 3 e 4: straight. 3 hits to the yellow. 5: straight. 1 hit to the yellow, 1 hit e 1 bomb to the green. 6: straight. Yellow eliminated, no hits to the green.

Car Theme [W.I.P.] [select: Cardboard, Cardboard Random, Lego Classic, Lego2]
Counters Theme [W.I.P.] [select: Cardboard, Coins]